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K A R M I C  V O Y A G E

The Journey of the Body, Mind & Spirit
Yoga, Stretch, Meditation, Reiki, Qi Gong, Astrology, Gong & Sound Immersions, Intuitive & Tarot Readings and More!



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Karen Centauro

  YOGA - My yoga journey started many years ago as a student. I fell in love with the flow of movement, connection to breath and the zen-like qualities of a yoga class.  In 2007, I decided to share my passion and become a yoga teacher. My classes are a unique sequence of gentle yoga poses and stretches, infused with breathing techniques, hand mudras and meditation.  They are geared for all levels to enjoy.

  QI GONG - In addition to the yoga flow, my classes include the slow, flowing movements of Qi (chi) Gong (kung) and chi tapping, which help to improve health, reduce stress, and increase energy levels.

  GONG & SOUND HEALER - By combining a 38-inch Paiste Earth Gong, 24-inch Uranus, 22-inch Chau Gong, Grotta Sonora Mini Sound Plate, Crystal & Tibetan singing bowls, 10 note tongue drum, water drum, Koshi chimes and tingsha bells, I have enthusiastically embraced the powerful healing of sound baths. They can be enjoyed either lying down or sitting in a chair. Studies have shown that sound vibrations can help reduce stress, enhance immune system function, slow down and balance brain wave activity, and help increase levels of inner peace.

  REIKI MASTER TEACHER - Honoring the Usui tradition, I am a channeler of reiki or life force energy to help you relax as well as assist you to shift your energies to improve your overall health and well-being. As a Reiki Master Teacher, I also offer attunements for Reiki 1 & 2. 

  YOG-A-THLETIC'S - Developed as a customized yoga program for middle/high school athletes and club teams to not only improve flexibility, strength, and concentration but to physically, mentally and emotionally balance the stress of today’s standards of athletic training.

  WORKSHOP & EVENTS -I love collaborating classes and workshops especially Gong & Sound Baths, healing circles, solstice and equinox celebrations, full & new moon releases, Angels and Archangels, sacred geometry with crystal grids, chakras clearings, vision boards, restorative & reiki, crystal healings and more!! If you are interested in something special, I would be happy to customize a workshop for you.

  GRATITUDE - With heartfelt gratitude, I bow to all my teachers, guides and sacred ones who have continued to enlighten me so that I can enlighten you.  As a spiritual teacher, healer, and lightworker, I am here to find the JOY everywhere I go and to SHINE my brightest LIGHT!  Namaste


RYT200 Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master & Teacher, Sound Healer, The 7 Rays with Lee Ann Somers

Healer Within Medical Qi Gong Certification,

CHILL - Chumpi Illumination, Village Circle Global Drumming Certified Facilitator

& Enthusiast of Shamanism, Crystals & Stones,

& Vibrational Energy

Valerie O'Connor

My yoga journey began in 2004, when I became introduced through an adult education program. Always staying active, I thought yoga would be relaxing, help to alleviate some stress, and provide a complement to my usual workouts. I was hooked from day one, and the practice has become a daily part of my physical and spiritual life.


After studying with some amazing teachers, I got inspired to get my yoga teaching certification. Each time I step onto the mat, I discover a little more about myself -- some days it’s strength, some days it’s laughter and some days frustration, but it is all part of the process. I love integrating the breath and movement of yoga with a positive spiritual outlook. I believe yoga is a simple, everyday tool to heal our bodies and awaken our spirits.


Always practicing Vinyasa, I've recently discovered a love for restorative yoga and understand how important it is to find balance in both our practice and our lives. Teaching restorative yoga as well as the prenatal yoga helps to fulfill
my nurturing spirit.


In my classes, there is a strong emphasis on the breath, meditation and mindfully moving through the asanas. My teaching technique is a combination of gentle and at the same time challenging, making yoga accessible to all fitness levels and promoting students to develop their own style and grace. Students are encouraged to listen to their own bodies, modifying poses as necessary. Yoga should be fun while helping to peel away our layers and finding out who we really are. While we can be serious about our practice, we do not have to take ourselves so seriously.


Off the mat, you will find me taking yoga classes, deepening my yoga practice, reading, cooking and devoting time to my family and two very spoiled dogs as well as co-creating workshops with Karen and our very special friends.



ERYT200 with Yoga Alliance 

Reiki Master

Pre-Natal Certification

Restorative Immersion Certification

Spiritual Seeker

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Yvonne Gibson

It is my heartfelt prayer and sacred vision to be of service in this world and help people in whichever way I am being divinely called and guided. The mantras "Love is All, All is Love” and Knowledge is to be Shared” were gifted to me by two of my teachers and mentors. I carry them close in my heart. It is my daily intention and hope that I can offer that LOVE and guidance to all I meet along my journey.
My intuitive healings/offerings are:
        •       Astrology – I am a forever lover and student of the planets, stars, and universal cosmic energies. I offer individual Natal Chart readings which provide loving guidance from the planets for insightful self-knowledge of your inner workings and avenues of growth. 
        •       Tarot and Oracle card channeler and reader – I have been studying and reading cards for 20+ years. Their guidance offers much insight and value. 
        •       Reiki Master Teacher – I have been a student of Reiki since 2008 and have studied numerous Reiki modalities with many teachers. I received my Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher certification in 2015. I offer Reiki individual and group healings. Additionally, I teach classes and offer student certification in the Usui Reiki healing method - Reiki I, II, III master. I am a Reiki Members Associate Affiliate.
        •       Integrated Energy Therapy Advanced Level Practitioner– I offer healings and channeled guidance from the Angels.
        •       Angel Therapy – I offer channeled Angel and Oracle card readings
        •       Ordained Minister in the State of NY – Priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek. Certified to officiate wedding ceremonies.
        •       Shamanic Practitioner – I have studied Shamanism for many years and participated in quite a few elemental rituals. Grateful for this knowledge, I incorporate Shamanic practices in my healings, i.e., rattling, journeying, etc. I am a Mesa carrier in the Peruvian Shamanic tradition; and I am a “Nature” representee in the Western African Dagara Shamanic tradition. 
        •       Sound Healing – I have studied Singing Bowl and Gong healing modalities and I offer healings with these beautiful instruments - Gongs, Singing Bowls, Chimes, Tuning Forks. I find Sound Healing to be a powerful component in all my healing offerings.
        •       Numerology – Numbers, like all things, carry vibrations. We are surrounded by numbers and numerology is another tool to help you understand yourself and your energy. 
        •       Feng Shui - New to my toolbox, Feng Shui, the study of the interaction between you and your environment. Feng Shui helps you to understand the energetic flow of Chi in all areas of your life and balance such using directions, elements, colors, numbers, placement of material objects. It is fascinating!


I am so grateful and honor all the teachers I have met and have yet to meet who have so kindly shared their knowledge with me. I am always learning and adding to my magical, mystical toolbox and would love to share this knowledge with you!

Class Offerings, Workshops & Events

by Karen, Valerie & Yvonne

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Karen's Offerings
Valerie's Offerings
Yvonne's Offerings



Gentle Stretch & Yoga

7:30 pm to 8:45 pm

Energy Exchange - $15

ZOOM Meeting ID  556 721 1351  

Passcode: yogakaren




Gentle Stretch, Yoga & Qi Gong 

9:15 am - 10:25 am

Energy Exchange - $15

ZOOM Meeting ID  556 721 1351  

Passcode: yogakaren​



with 38-inch Paiste Earth Gong, 24-inch Uranus, 22-inch Chau Gong, Grotta Sonora Mini Gong Plate, Crystal & Tibetan Singing Bowls, Koshi & Zaphir Chimes, Wave Drum & Tingsha Bells

By Appointment - Private In person

60 min -Energy Exchange $85

Semi Private or Group Events - Email Details to Discuss Dates & Cost! 

We are Gongs-4-Hire!



Private Session In Person

Energy Exchange - $85/75 min

Reiki I, II & III Attunement Sessions Available



Customized Yoga Program for High School Athletes & Club Sports Teams 



RYT200 Yoga since 2007 

Healer Within Medical Qi Gong Certified 

Reiki Master

Certified & Accredited Sound Healer

The 7 Rays with Lee Ann Somers

CHILL-Chumpi Illumination

Village Circle Global Drumming Certified Facilitator


Private Reiki and Gong Sound Healing by Appointment Only




115 Torne Valley Road Hillburn, NY



Gentle Yoga & Stretch

 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 



Gentle Yoga & Stretch

 9:00 am - 10:00 am 

Community Center is now

open to Guests $10 fee all ages



 Remote Session $60

Reiki I, II & III Attunement Sessions Available




ERYT200 with Yoga Alliance 

Certifications in 200 Hour Yoga,

Prenatal Yoga Certification

Restorative Yoga Certification

Reiki Master

Yoga Privates & Reiki by



(By phone)

Natal Astrology chart -

30 min Energy Exchange -$50

 Transiting Planet Reading 

30 min. Energy Exchange -$40



(By phone)

30 min- Energy Exchange $30



 Long Distance Healing

30 min- Energy Exchange $25

60 min- Energy Exchange $50

Reiki I, II & III Attunement Sessions Available



Combining multiple modalities Reiki/Shamanic/Vibrational & IET/Angel Therapy, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Sound Therapy at your home or my healing space in Hudson Valley, NY

30 min- Energy Exchange $40

60 min- Energy Exchange $65



(By phone)

30 min- Energy Exchange $35


Reiki Master Healer & Teacher

Astrologer for over 20 years

Tarot Reader for over 20 years

Certified & Accredited Sound Healer

IET/Angel Therapy



with 36-inch Chau Gong & 22-inch Paiste Neptune Gong, 19-inch Grotta Sonora Cosmic Gong, Crystal & Tibetan Singing Bowls, Koshi Chimes, Wave Drum & Tingsha Bells

By Appointment - Private In person

60 min -Energy Exchange $85

Semi Private or Group Events - Email Details to Discuss Dates & Cost! 

We are Gongs-4-Hire!






Image by Rodrigo Soares
Prayer Wall


NJ Nonprofit Corporation 0450306066
EIN 83-1927282

In the Autumn of 2018, co-founders Karen Centauro, Valerie O'Connor, Sherry Fusco and Allison Derco were granted 501(c)(3) status with the Divine SiStarhood. 


Our mission is:  To provide safe, serene and welcoming space; To build community that is focused on balancing the body, mind and spirit; To create peace in our communities and in the world by first creating peace in ourselves and To remove financial barriers by keeping yoga and wellness offerings affordable and accessible to all.

Donations to the Divine SiStarhood are tax deductible & are used to continue to support our mission within the community

Prayer for Peace

St Francis of Assisi


Make me an instrument of Thy Peace;

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.

Oh Divine Master,

Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;

For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
It is in dying to self, that we are born into eternal life.

Serenity Prayer

Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

May all beings be happy.

May all my thoughts, words

and actions contribute in some way

to the happiness of all beings.

To reach Karen or Valerie - karmicvoyageyoga@gmail,com
To reach Yvonne -
To Reach Karen & Yvonne- 
or fill out form below!


Name *

Email *



Thanks! Message sent.

Karen: 201-264-5314  
Valerie: 845-641-5931
Yvonne: 845-234-0879
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